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- UnitedForPeace.org -  coalition of groups that oppose a pre-emptive U.S. attack on Iraq.
- Human Shields -  group of volunteers who are stationing themselves around Iraq to act as human deterrents to war.
- Win Without War -  advocating alternatives to preemptive war against Iraq.
- ARROW anti-war -  UK-based nonviolent direct action affinity group orignially set up in September 1990 to oppose the Gulf War.
- Baring Witness -  group that undertakes nude and clothed protest actions against the war in Iraq.
- Campaign To Stop The War Against Iraq -  from the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, a "member-supported organization working for peace and justice."
- International A.N.S.W.E.R. -  coalition organizing worldwide anti-war rallies.
- Iraq Peace Pledge -  avenue to publicly register opposition to war against Iraq. Sponsored by a coalition of national and local anti-war groups.
- National Network to End the War Against Iraq -  coalition of peace and justice, student, and faith-based organizations.
- Patriots for Peace -  believes that one can be a patriot of the U.S. and also oppose the government's leadership mode.
- Poets Against the War -  site hosts thousands of poems for peace. Also has information about antiwar poetry readings.
- Not in Our Name -  working for alternative post-9/11 policies; "no war without limits; no detentions & round-ups; no police state restrictions."
- Lysistrata Project -  theatre event for peace in which "Lysistrata," Aristophanes' comedy of ancient Greece in which women withhold sex until men agree to outlaw war, is read around the world.
- "In A World Gone Mad" -  antiwar song from the Beastie Boys. In MP3 format.
- Doe v. Bush and Rumsfeld -  full text of the complaint asserting the resolution passed by Congress in October 2002 did not specifically declare war and unlawfully ceded the decision to Bush. Filed February 13, 2003. From FindLaw.

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