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Advanced Scientific Health provides natural cure for cancer.
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Understanding the body's pH; Alkalinity; and an
introduction to Dr. Carl Reich and Robert Barefoot

Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment even if it's inside your body. We begin with an introduction of Dr. Carl Reich and Robert R. Barefoot, biochemist.

Robert Barefoot has an extensive background as a biochemist specializing in nutritional health research. He has produced a large number of scientific publications on the body's pH and its relationship to degenerative diseases and health. He is one of the authors of The Calcium Factor, along with Carl J. Reich, M.D., and wrote Death by Diet at his wife's request to reduce the scientific language to terms a layman could understand, and so understand the main elements of disease and how to change it.

Originally Dr. Carl Reich came to Robert Barefoot to find out why, when treating his patients with calcium deficiencies such as arthritis, unusual things were happening with his patients' health problems. Their diabetes disappeared, their cancer disappeared, and he asked Barefoot, "What am I doing?"

In 1981, Robert Barefoot and Dr. Carl Reich began intensive medical research into the relationship between disease and nutrition. They were astounded while reviewing medical and scientific libraries because thousands upon thousands of publications written by world renowned scientists and doctors showed that disease and nutrition are in fact related. They confirmed that it is common knowledge that disease could be prevented and cured by diet and that doctors and the public have very little knowledge regarding these issues. There is massive scientific evidence proving all the claims made within their publications, which can be verified at your library or from publications on the Internet.
Advanced health plan,advanced scientific health,body pH,alkalinity,Dr Carl Reich,Robert Barefoot,cancer treatments,cure,free,pH,heart,disease,whole body health,calcium factor,alkalinity,energy, cesium chloride,ascorbate,oxygen
Dr. Carl Reich and Robert Barefoot also found, as people get older they become deficient in nutrients. They state that one usually thinks a good diet would keep you alive, but apparently it's not what we do eat, it's what we don't eat. These deficiencies cause your body to become very acidic, which triggers cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, heart disease, etc. This is explained molecule by molecule in the publications.
Advanced health plan,advanced scientific health,body pH,alkalinity,Dr Carl Reich,Robert Barefoot,cancer treatments,cure,free,pH,heart,disease,whole body health,calcium factor,alkalinity,energy, cesium chloride,ascorbate,oxygen
Dr. Otto Warburg (twice a Nobel Prizewinner) and Robert Barefoot are together in their thoughts that most diseases are caused by the body lowering into an unnatural deadly acidic state. Every researcher knows that, so why don't doctors alkalize their patients? Well, most doctors don't know how to alkalize a person because they only get a few hours of education on nutrition. The bottom line is the research is available, and we do know how to properly feed the body and alkalize it. This is amply covered in Dr. Carl Reich and Robert Barefoot's publications Death by Diet and The Calcium Factor and on this website.
Advanced health plan,advanced scientific health,body pH,alkalinity,Dr Carl Reich,Robert Barefoot,cancer treatments,cure,free,pH,heart,disease,whole body health,calcium factor,alkalinity,energy, cesium chloride,ascorbate,oxygen
Remember, EVERY time Dr. Warburg put a tumor into an alkaline medium, it would die within seconds. According to Dr. Warburg, to kill cancer all you have to do is make your body . . . ALKALINE by taking certain supplements and by following some commonsense health rules. The basic elements or minerals for raising the body's pH are calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace metals, as well as vitamins and water.

"The FASTEST working known element for raising the body's pH is Cesium Chloride & Cesium Carbonate"

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We each have been given the right to utilize the logic that God has given us.
Learn how to give back to the body that which it had available when it was created.

It is Time to Turn The Health Care Crisis Around!
It Will Be Done Based On
Truth and INDISPUTABLE Facts

We are not here as doctors and do not diagnose, prescribe or recommend treatments for disease.
However, we are independent researchers that have discovered certain truths that most definately do
need to be shared with others. Our purpose is to share the truths we have found and allow each man and
each woman a choice, so they may make better informed decisions about their future.  ~Vickie Barker

~ Health ASSURANCE vs Medical INSURANCE ~

natural cure for cancer

The 'SOLUTION' for ANY Health Care Crisis?

EDUCATION & the RESOURCES to Apply The Knowledge!

Following Specialized Publications and Programs are for
Medical Practioners, Health Care Providers & Families.

These Reports Will Change the Way You
Think About Health and Disease FOREVER!

  • These publications and the
  • Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) program have been prepared for all those ready to learn.
  • A complete program is available for easy application of this new found knowledge.
  • You will have access to the works of the Nobel Laureates from their study and findings in Whole Body Health at the Cellular Level.
  • Learn WHAT to give back to the body that it was intended to have, in the correct form & the proper ratio.
  • Learning and Applying this knowledge will give you the proof.
  • The Natural Cure for Disease IS the Human Body Itself.
  • These resources are Now Available for Medical Professionals & Families.
  • Experience IS the Evidence!
             ASH with the natural cure for Cancer
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ASH and natural cure for cancer is the human body


Advanced Scientific Health proves Natural Cure for Cancer is the human body.

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